World Human Milk Donation Day

"For more than a decade, May 19th has been celebrated annually as the international World Human Milk Donation Day. Originating in Brazil in 2004 as a national event, the day was created to promote the importance of donating human milk to non-profit human milk banks.

May 19th is now marked by milk banks and milk bank supporters globally - and with over 750 human milk banks in 66 countries - there are very many donors to thank! It is estimated more than 800,000 at-risk infants receive donor human milk each year, which suggests well over 1 million liters of milk are donated annually in support of optimal infant nutrition and breastfeeding."

Informal milk sharing is more common here in Australia, where there are still very few milk banks and access to most is limited to premature or sick infants.

However, mothers gifting their breastmilk through groups like @hm4hb is a significant part of the Australian #breastfeeding community.

#babywearing can be a wonderful connection for people who are partly or fully feeding their child with donated breastmilk. Baby carriers can facilitate skin to skin contact at feed times, especially if combined with a #supplementalnursingsystem

To all milk donors and recipients, we see you. We honour you.



Cluster Feeding: Normal, Natural and Hard Work.


The Reality of Breastfeeding